If you are using the Google Analytics plugin for Joomla, or some custom built system to track individual users behavior in Google Analytics, you may want to take your “virtual stalking” to a whole new level of creepiness. All you have to do is create advanced segments based on Custom Variable values found in your Custom
Joomla!1.5 Google Analytics Plugin w/ registered user tracking
I needed a Google Analytics plugin for Joomla!1.5 that would use the latest asynchronous code, play well with other plugins, and give me the ability to track the behavior of individuals who are logged into the site. Instead of trying to up my last FCGA plugin, I’ve decided to completely rewrite the FreshClicks’ Google Analytics plugin from
Google Analytics Asynchronous Tracking for Joomla 1.5
I’ve release a new and improved version of this app! So stop reading this old article and check out it out, Google Analytics Joomla plugin v.2.0 It has long been rumored that Google was going to start ranking pages based on page load time. Think about it, if your page takes longer to load then
Mix n' Match Analytics Campaign Tracking
How to use both Google Analytics’ built in campaign tracking and your own custom campaign tracking variables. If your campaign links already contains tracking variables you can map these variables to Google Analytics by modifying the Google tracking code. This works great unless some of your campaigns contain Google Analytics tracking variables and other campaigns
Initial Referrer: The missing metric in Google analytics
When it comes to tracking your marketing efforts it is important to consider the number of ways prospects will come into contact with your marketing collateral. The idea (sometimes known as multi-touch marketing) is that most of your prospects will not convert the first time they come into contact with your products/service, but are likely
Tracking Corporate Activity with Google Analytics
Many companies find it difficult to measure the interest level of a prospect, create an opportunity or determine their marketing effectiveness. A corporate website is a great resource for gathering this information but only if you can convenience a visitor to self-identify by having them fill out a form or calling a sales number. Using