New FeedBurner BuzzBlast Joomla Module

Feeburner BuzzBlast Joomla ModulePeople have many different preferences on how they consume content, so it is important as an eMarketer that you give them options.

As an example this blog has an RSS Feed that is syndicated by FeedBurner, you can subscribe to it via RSS or email. I also have a Design and Development website, that is powered by a Joomla CMS. Wanting to give visitors to Holsum Studios the opportunity to view these articles and take part in the blog I developed a Joomla Module for FeedBurner’s BuzzBlast.

BuzzBoost republishes your burned feed’s content as go-anywhere HTML. Want to promote your blog on a Joomla site you manage? The FeedBurner BuzzBoost module allows you to easily publish your blog articles on your Joomla site.

You must have a FeedBurner feed and you have to enable BussBoost from the Publicize section of your Feeds Feedburner account.

You can download the module for free here: feedburner buzzboost module

I released the software late Sunday night (2 days ago) and it has been downloaded over 500 times. If you download the module and are using it, let me know by posting a comment below.